Thursday, February 10, 2011

Playing with adjustments

Today is gone so fast! And I didn't even begin to pack for my trip to Paris; I'm kinda sick of the packing-unpacking routine, but I can't wait to be there tomorrow night!

I ate

  • Breakfast (still in San Valentine spirit!)
  • Lunch

Grilled Eggplant on grilled Bread

with Hummus

Green and Carrots salad

with mixed seeds and honey

Apple Pie filling

with vanilla Kefir

and Pomegranate seeds

  • As snack I had some a lot of greek yogurt, along with two Cookies and Pomegranate seeds (again)

I played a little with the exposure/saturation and other random adjustments; not sure of the result... Do you like it?
  • Dinner was meh... I made a kind of pasta salad that turned out more flavorless than I expected since I put a lot of chili pepper in it.

    Whole wheat Pasta

    with Brussels sprouts,


    1/2 potato


    Tomato salsa


    I ran

    3 miles as planned. I urgently need to change my playlist since it's becoming boring! I also did some yoga while studying.

    After this really interesting post (AH!), I'm off to packing a little, at least!

    Mmm I've just noticed that I never register my glass of milk before going to bed (I drink it since I was a child), so I was wondering:

    Do you also eat/drink something before going to bed

    just because it's an habit and somehow it feels so good?