Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Book Review: The Vegan Girl's Guide To Life

I've finally put my hands on this book and I read it cover to cover in no time. It's fabulous!


I'm not vegan and I'm not yet sure if I want to become it, but this book made me think more seriously about it and it'll surely be a HUGE help if I'll decide to do so.

I won't enter the merit of the choice since I think it's a totally personal area (and I also find it annoying when someone ask it to me) nor of the cruelty towards animals, you are free to inform yourself about these themes (check this GoVeg.com). It's more a "point per point" review since the book isn't new and I'd like to share with you my impression and thinking about it rather than writing a full review (you can find one here).

The Vegan Girl's Guide To Life

1. The book is full of helpful advices and cover pretty much all the issues that you could face in dealing with a vegan diet and lifestyle. But these tips are really US oriented for the majority, I know I'll face a lot of different issues as a European (especially since I divide my eating between Italy and France).

2. I loved the shopping session. I had no idea there were so many cute cruelty-free clothes and shoes out there; I've always thought: vegan= boring and hippie clothes, I know it was stupid but until I actually  saw how cute a vegan shoe could be, my idea remained the same. I'm already checking all my clothes labels =)

3. The nutrition chapter is well-written, but, as a vegetarian, I already knew and tried to comply all the nutritional fixes and escamotages to have a complete diet and vitamins spectrum (it's absolutely not difficult!). I found really funny the "ask a vegan" section since most questions were directly asked to me many and many times. My always fav is:

Random person:"Do you eat fish?",

Me: "No, fishes are animals too"

Rp: "And tuna?"

Since we all know that tunas are cans and not fishes!

4. I'm dying to try the yummy recipe section, especially the baking part since vegan baking can be tricky (hello eggs!)

5. I loved the fact that he whole book is full of links to useful blog or websites, life experience and mini-interview to people

6. The beauty section was enlightening since I had no idea of how many beauty products use animal products as ingredients. I also think that this will be one of the harder task, if I ever decide, since the ingredients names aren't exactly the most easy thing to read and remember (Cocamidopropyl Betaine anyone?)

So, do I suggest this book?

Totally! It's funny, useful and informative. I'm so into "guide to life" books!

Will I become a vegan after reading it?

Not sure yet, there are more few things to figure out (like, how to tell it to my parents, what to do with my wool clothes...) and more serious research in and out that need to be done, but I'm definitely more ready now than I was before!

For more info this is the blog of the author Melisser Elliott: the Urban Housewife

Have you already read this book? What did you think?

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