Sunday, January 23, 2011

Quality time

I missed sooo much some time by myself, doing things that I really love to do, that today was almost close to my idea of a perfect day! (not a whole perfect day since I missed the only important thing, though).

I started this Sunday in the best way you can (late) start a Sunday: a brunch, of course! Lot of yummy food and staring at people in the street.

Then I walked randomly around Leuven to photograph random things. So happy it wasn't raining!

Obviously bikes because they are everywhere!

And they are also parked in the most creative ways

Then I went to the Jardin Botanique. I know, not such a great idea in the middle of January , but it actually was more alive than what I expected.

And I also found this:

Run, run, run

I ran 7.5 km in 45 minutes. YES! It was also raining= bonus point.

I came back home completely soaked, eh eh but I love sooo much running in the rain.

The plan for the night was dinner+ going out, but I'm too tired for going out and for cooking a decent dinner (= not directly coming out from the freezer). So I had frozen tomato soup (that I actually really love, the frozen version, I mean), hummus, whole wheat bread, and surprise surprise: Brussels sprouts. I've saved you the pictures of this creative and never seen dinner =)

I'm looking forward to going home and to have a REAL oven to bake with!

Oh it's such a perfect day,
I'm glad I spent it with (you) me.

What is your idea of a perfect day?


  1. I found your post while searching photography! The photos of the Botanical Garden are so beautiful and rich in colour! Lovely post! PS: We have the same theme! haha

  2. Thank you! Great choice of theme =)
