I hate moving! Totally. Every time I wonder how many things I'm able to accumulate in just a short period of time (6 months, this time in particular) and every time I make the promise that I won't do this mistake again. What mistake?To bring every single dress and pair of shoes that I own (or almost) even if I didn't wear it for ages.
Just in case, I tell myself; just in case what? That I feel the compelling need to wear my high school (or maybe even middle school) green corduroy skirt? Or that I want to wear one of the many pairs of flat shoes with an average of -6 C°?
I know it's all my fault and I'm so frustrated right now!
But I have a way to redeem myself: in less than one month I'll move again from my hometown to my university town (I know, crazy) so I'm here and now challenging myself to bring there all and only the strictly necessary. We'll see...
My mom arrived today for helping me with the all moving-thing. I'm so glad she is here so that someone can hear my complaints about how stupid I was to bring all this stuff over here. I love you mom!
This is becoming the most moanful (and boring) post ever, so here are my food intake of the day and I'm off to try to calm me down (I see ho chocolate and a book involved).
- Breakfast (plus a soy Cappuccino)
- Lunch:
Whole wheat tortilla,
creamy goat cheese,
and Brussels sprouts
(I'll miss them soooo much)
- Afternoon snake: an undocumented apple, you know why.
- Dinner at Greenway (the beauty of having a paying-parent to hang out with!)

There is a spinach burger under all that lettuce, I guarantee.
And it was also delicious.
I also had side salad with mixed veggies, wheat berries and raisins
and as dessert a spiced tea with a little piece of brownie
I talked a lot with my mom about what I wanna do after college (NO IDEA), if I have to choose a master (what kind?) and where to go to do it. I've really missed these long talks even if I'm not sure if this time it was effective to clear my mind.
Ok, time to go, an exciting packing day is waiting for me tomorrow!
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