Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let the picture do the talk

Just a picture to induce you to this addicting Roasted Maple and Cinnamon Almond Butter. You won't regret it, I'll assure you!

I love cooking at night, while watching movies, after a long afternoon of studying statistics. It's really a stress-reliever for me..

What's yours? 

I really need some more ideas in this period =)


  1. Oooh that sounds delightful!

  2. looks great! Moi aussi j'adore cuisiner pour relaxer. I also love that my daughters enjoy cooking with me and make a mess! My mom use to always let me make a mess! Have a lovely day!

  3. ooops...more ideas? me too, how about more "spring veggies" like asparagus? or try something completely different like "american southern" food. or Canada, we do have some fun recipes from our differents backgrounds. :)

  4. I loved you wrote in french =)

    I was talking about more ideas for relaxing, but I take anyway the recipe suggestions =)

  5. ha ha ha...I guess I misunderstood, sorry! maybe get a massage/ or a pedicure? Find something for you and you alone... :) Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Ya-um?!

    Two words: Bubble bath!

  7. how about bathing! lol warm water and hot chocolate always help me relax!

  8. I'd like to eat Roasted Maple and Cinnamon Almond Butter. I've never eaten it before. That'd be an adventure. I understand they have pages and everything. Yeah, I've got to do that sometime. Flights to Freetown
